A great loss for our mountain community — Carlyle Norman

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January 18th, 2012 – The Bow Valley was rocked by tragic news this morning, as reports trickled in that a local climber had been killed in Patagonia. According to Gripped, Carlyle Norman was climbing with Cian Brinker (uninjured) when the accident occurred.*

Highline Magazine and our mountain community have lost a vibrant, energetic and tremendously caring human being. An enthusiastic climber, adventurer, yoga instructor and aspiring writer, Carlyle contributed to the life of the Bow Valley in so many meaningful ways. With her witty, quirky, thought-provoking prose, she was one of Highline’s most-read bloggers, and contributed an insightful feature to our Winter 2012 issue. Her writing consistently reminded us to take an hour, a minute, a breath and appreciate the stillness. Carlyle always had an appreciation for living in the moment, and inspired others to do the same with her big, broad, contagious smile.


Carlyle truly lived for adventure and managed to attract it everywhere she went. Anyone who spent time with her needed to be up for an adventure, too. In her typical style, just days after leaving Canmore for Patagonia, her passport got stolen and Carlyle put out a desperate plea on Facebook. She dealt with the ordeal with a sense of humour, and wasn’’t afraid to ask others to help her get out of a major pickle. People quickly responded to come to the aid of someone who meant a great deal to them.

We’ll miss you, Carlyle. And we’ll take a moment to appreciate the stillness and think of you.

-Your team at Highline Magazine

*Update, January 20, 2012: According to The Alpine Club of Canada, “The pair were climbing a difficult route called ‘Last Gringo Standing,’ thirteen pitch 5.11, located on Aguja Saint-Exupéry, a 2558 m peak on the Fitzroy Massif” when the accident occurred. The trip Carlyle and Cian had planned in Patagonia was the winner of the John Lauchlan Memorial Award in 2012.

Photos were originally submitted to Highline courtesy of Carlyle Norman.

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