Posts in Adventure
Abraham Lake — Nature's Dutch Oven

The expulsion of gas is very rarely a welcomed event; just ask anyone who has invited extended-family relatives over for Thanksgiving dinner. Yet every winter at Abraham Lake, locals and tourists alike flock to this body of water on the upper course of the North Saskatchewan River in Western Alberta. They arrive to witness a stunning display of frozen methane gas bubbles that slowly float to the surface. These bubbles create a spectacular tableau of shapes and designs that would render Jackson Pollock speechless.

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Hiking Wind Tower: One of the best viewpoints in Kananaskis Country

The Windtower — if you glimpse it while driving the Trans-Canada just south of Canmore — looms like a monster in a child’s nightmare. It’s so sharp and vertical that hiking to the summit seems laughably impossible.

Yet Windtower is hikeable from the other side. Starting at Spray Lakes Reservoir, a trail ascends to West Wind Pass. From there, a boot-beaten route leads to the summit, which grants an aerial perspective of the Bow and Spray Valleys.

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